Friday, January 4, 2013


"We don't want closure, we want to be the ones to end it this time."

For a little while I was hooking up and basically dating this guy who shall go unnamed. I obviously thought we were going to date, because that's what always happens when I start talking to a guy. But this guy was different. He was a player and loving the game. He had piles of commitment issues, along with that bad hair... But I digress. When he broke it off, I went a bit nuts in a way I had never gone nuts over a guy. Like making sad playlists and laying in bed for days watching Tangled and eating everything in sight. That was not my proudest moment, or period of time I should say. However, a few months later when the mention of his name didn't send me reeling into tears, I started talking to my friends about it. I think my favorite line was "I'm over it, but I kind of wish I just had closure." If you have told yourself this before, listen to me crazy lady: the closure is that you two are not together. He doesn't want to be with you, probably because he is a fucking idiot because we all know you're fabulous, but nonetheless he is no longer interested. So, do yourself a favor and realise that it is just your ego that is making you think you're so in love with this guy. The first time you're rejected by a guy it is a huge blow to your ego. It makes you think WHY you weren't good enough for this one, and since you always want what you can't have you start to trick yourself into thinking he was really perfect. You look back on his good qualities, while forgetting that he is in reality a skinny, whiny bitch. When you think you want closure, you really just want to mend that ego by getting back together with him an then being the one to break it off. Admit it, it's true. But the more you try to get him back so you can execute this devious plan, the crazier you look. It'll happen, believe me. So save yourself a lot of trouble and stop trying to get this "closure." Find someone new, because chances are this jerk is 100% not worth it. And, as soon as you are TRULY over his stupid ass, he'll come crawling back to you talking about all the mistakes he's made and how sorry he is. Trust me, they always do. Tighten up before this becomes your only friend:

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