Sunday, January 6, 2013

Chocolate Cinnamon Protein Bars

My mother is driving me absolutely mad! I now know that I will never ever ever move home after college no matter how great it seems. She's doing this "cleanse" for the new year, and today consists of only liquids which is making her a complete cow. Then when she couldn't take it anymore and reached for some string cheese, I commented on how if she was doing a cleanse she should have something more natural and she was again mean. And she keeps complaining about her stomach and headache. Well, I've been doing clean for a few weeks now and I've never felt better but she won't listen . Oh well! Today I made a few things because I'm about to go back to that hell hole that is UF and the food there :(. I made some protein bars to take with me for before class, and also some chilli because I've been craving it! The protein bar recipe was adapted from he and she eat clean and it's below. Upon tasting them, they are definitely "proteiny." Great flavor but not too terribly moist. And I just realized I forgot to add flax seed! Shoot. Oh well, they have a great flavor and the dough is better than the finished product, so I don't blame you for licking the spoon!


2 cups oats, roasted in the oven without oil for 15-20 minutes
1 cup natural peanut butter no sugar added
1/2 cup 100% pure agave nectar (they used honey here)
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1 cup clean protein powder (I used chocolate, makes it delilsh!)
2 tbs 85% cocoa dark chocolate
2 tbs pecans, chopped
1 tbs cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and pour the oats into a pan to bake for 15-20 minutes.
While they are baking, chop your chocolate and pecans into small chunks, then combine all ingredients into a bowl.
When the oats come out, roll them into the dough but allow them to cool.
Then, place on a dish (I use a casserole dish) spread out evenly, and bake for 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool, then cut and store! Yum! Enjoy. Ill post the chilli recipe tomorrow!

So I do take back what I said about my mom.. she's a great lady and I love her a lot. Even when she's being a monster :) She really loved these bars for her cleanse. She couldn't stop talking about them! Give them a try.

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